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对各种能源的需求都在增长. Managing environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities are critical to providing the world with sustainable, 可负担且安全的能源. To progress in these areas, we are actively modernizing our existing energy systems and assets across North America through innovation, reducing our emissions, 投资低碳能源技术和基础设施.

在我们的可持续发展年度报告中, we share the actions we are taking to progress on our targets and evolve how we move, 为北美生产和储存更安全和可持续的能源.


Facts & figures at a glance


减少了甲烷的绝对排放量 14 per cent 从2019年到2022年,天然气吞吐量将增加 11 per cent


Secured 600 megawatts in the U.S. and 416 megawatts 在加拿大的电力购买协议中


196 total 完成应急准备和反应演习


Restored 100 per cent 受基建项目影响的敏感生境


$3.3 million 给北美的机构和组织, restore, enhance, or preserve biodiversity

CFE Partnership

In 2022, we embarked on a historic long-term strategic partnership with Mexico's state-owned electric utility, 墨西哥的Comisión联邦电力(CFE), 增加获得清洁可靠能源的机会, 支持墨西哥不断增长的中部和东南部地区.

这个强大的联盟将促进社会, economic, and industrial prosperity and pave the way for over two decades of projects and energy solutions crucial for efficient natural gas transportation across key regions in Mexico. In connection with this partnership, we have agreed to build the Southeast Gateway Pipeline, a 1.每天30亿立方英尺, 715-kilometre offshore natural gas pipeline to serve the growing need for safe, 墨西哥东南部地区可靠且负担得起的能源.

The Southeast Gateway Pipeline will be TC Energy’s second marine natural gas pipeline in Mexico, 连接韦拉克鲁斯和塔巴斯科沿海地区, and is another prime example of our ability to originate world-class projects that offer incremental growth to our long-term outlook.” - francois Poirier, TC Energy总裁兼首席执行官
Explore environment


Facts & figures at a glance


Facts & figures at a glance


超过了我们董事会女性代表的多元化目标 38 per cent women on our Board of Directors


$88 million of capital and operating optimization and revenue opportunities realized between 2019 and 2022


$229 million 2022年投入工程研发

Supply Chain

We place great importance on building and maintaining relationships with our contractor, 供应商和厂商社区. We rely on this community to support our day-to-day operations and help us deliver the energy North America needs every day. We are committed to providing the tools and resources they need to support our business objectives and our core values of safety, integrity, 责任与协作.

In 2022, we relied on and engaged more than 4,700 suppliers across Canada, the U.S. and Mexico to help maintain our existing operations and construct the projects that will define our future, 推进社会责任和环境保护. 加强我们的供应链管理是一个持续的努力. 我们寻求与承包商建立关系, suppliers and vendors who share our commitment to safe and reliable operations and our core values.

可靠的供应链不仅重要,而且势在必行. 我们认识到新数字技术的关键作用, interconnected, consumer-centric, 可持续供应链在实现成果方面发挥着重要作用, resiliency, and agility. 通过我们整个结构的创新, systems, and partnerships, 我们能够让我们的社区保持动力和联系, 无论是现在还是将来。” ——马龙·梅里特,供应链副总裁
Explore governance